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  • Chirivì, Marianna Moffa, Grazia (Academicus International Scientific Journal, 2022-07-19)
    In the panorama of international migration statistics, there is a progressive growth of registrations of Italian citizens residing abroad. In particular, the steady increase in consular registrations based in the People’s ...
  • Eglantina XHAJA; University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences; Fatmir HOXHA; University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences (International Symposium on Computing in Informatics and Mathematics, 2013-07-15)
    In this paper we present three new methods of order four using anaccelerating generator that generates root-finding methods of arbitrary order ofconvergence, based on existing third-order multiple root-finding methods free ...
  • ZELER, Bogdan (Beder University, 2014-04)
    This paper concerns the problem of the behaviour new new media users according to the term proposed by Paul Levinson. This phenomena is called, by the other researchers, social media Web 2.0 or the art of shielding. Examples ...
  • Prahl, Sigrun (International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design, 2012-04-19)
  • Joanna Sokolowska Moskwiak; Silesian University of Technology Gliwice (International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design, 2013-06-26)
    The process of deindustrialisation has significantly increased the number of areas where existing industrial units had lost their previous role in production and became a document of industrial heritage. This problem is ...
  • Bayón Pérez, Jessica; Arenas Falótico, Andrés Jerónimo; Lominchar Jimenez, Jose (Academicus International Scientific Journal, 2022-01-16)
    If we look back, evaluating the last two centuries, the productive environments of our societies have experienced several industrial revolutions that caused great changes in production and that, in turn, generated important ...
  • Castellano, Anna; Foti, Pilade; Fraddosio, Aguinaldo; Marzano, Salvatore; Piccioni, Mario Daniele (2016-05)
    We present a theoretical and experimental approach for the characterization of the damage induced anisotropy superimposed to the constitutive anisotropy of fiber-reinforced composite materials. The proposed theoretical ...
  • Enxhi, Tafani (E. Tafani, 2023-07-14)
    Parashkrimi i përgjegjësisë së veprës penale në të drejtën ndërkombëtare është një çështje komplekse dhe e diskutueshme që kërkon analizë të kujdesshme. Instituti i parashkrimit i referohet afatit kohor brenda të cilit një ...
  • Hadžidedić, Zlatko (Academicus International Scientific Journal, 2021-07-01)
    Most theories of nationalism labelled as ‘modernist’ tend to overlook the fact that the phenomenon to which they vaguely refer as ‘Modernity’ is defined by a single, very precise and consistent socio-economic system, that ...
  • Foti, Dora; Diaferio, Mariella; Venerito, Marilena (2016-05)
    The aim of the paper is to detect the damage of the bell tower of the Church “Santa Maria della Natività”, Noci (Bari, Italy) that in 2012 was hit by a lightning and to propose a retrofitting solution. The solution must ...
  • Demirci, Aytül Güneşer (2014-06-02)
    At the present time, Turkey and the Western Balkan countries' policies at the economic and political arena have been re-shaped by internal and external dynamics. Which does not change is the policy-making process. In each ...
  • Lamila Simisic; International University of Sarajevo (International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design, 2013-06-26)
    Non-Urban Ports is a research paper, which investigates revival of the negative elements of the city network into the positive ones. In the city structure objects of the past find themselves in the Digital Era, to which ...
  • Vlaho Akmadzic; University of Mostar; Ante Mihanovic; University of Split; Boris Trogrlic; University of Split (International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 2013-07-15)
    The article deals with nonlinear analysis of the thin plates. Nonlinear numerical shell model, whose flexural state is based on the Germain-Kirchhoff theory, takes into account geometrical nonlinearity. Material model of ...
  • Koskija, Arjeta (Epoka University, 2014-06)
    This thesis examines the continuous increase of nonperforming loans in Albania. The Albanian economy is facing many challenges since the collapse of the communism system. One of the main factors affecting nonperforming ...
  • Unknown author (Epoka University, 2017-03)
    A novel nature-inspired algorithm called the Dynamic Virtual Bats Algorithm (DVBA) is presented in this thesis. DVBA is inspired by a bat’s ability to manipulate frequency and wavelength of the emitted sound waves when ...
  • Gambo, Abubakar; Ozgur, Gokhan; Sevkat, Ercan (2016-05)
    Due to the snow and ice on the roads in winter season, difficulties in transportation and accidents are unavoidable. Municipalities and residents put all their effort to clean up the streets and highways. Mechanical cleaning, ...
  • Gantes, Charis J.; Melissianos, Vasileios (International Balkans Conferance on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 2013-05-23)
    Various alternative numerical analysis methods that are used to simulate the response of buried steel pipelines subjected to large imposed displacements triggered by seismic fault activation are presented. Due to the ...
  • Selahattin Kocaman; Mustafa Kemal University; Hasan Guzel; Mustafa Kemal University (International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 2013-07-15)
    Dam-break flow may cause severe damages on land and population locateddownstream due to flush flooding. In addition to the complexity inherent in dam break flow,existence of buildings changes the rapidly varying flow pattern ...

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