Browsing IBAC - International Balkan Annual Conference by Title

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Browsing IBAC - International Balkan Annual Conference by Title

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  • Sumeyra Kurt; Istanbul University; Hasan Dincer; Ondokuz Mayıs University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Global climate change causes sea level rise, and especially is affecting low lyingcoastal areas of the world. In the next century, it is estimated that climate change will raise the sea level approximately 1 meter. Gradually ...
  • A. M Gashimov; Ahmet Nayir (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Energy is the most important element for people to continue their lives, to run theirbusinesses, to operate their vehicles, and to grow their countries. Balkan countriesgained their independence not so long ago. The ...
  • Esra Nemli Caliskan (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Sustainable development is a multidimensional concept relating to bothenvironmental and social issues. The concept of sustainable development is theresult of the growing awareness of the global links between mountingenvironmental ...
  • Mustafa Emre Yilmaz; Istanbul University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Students of politics know very well that Plato's perfect city in Republic is a political model of philosophico-pedagogical tyranny. For Ranciere, the political thought ofthe thinker of autocratic hierarchy, namely Plato, ...
  • Murat Anbarci; Ahmet Dursun Uzum; Ekrem Manisali (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Considerıng project plans to affect cash flows of construction projects will be aimednecessarily to use constraint resources providing a maximum financial benefit as aresearch study. Resource-constrained project ...
  • Husamettin Inac (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    As one of the Western Balkan countries Bosnia-Hersegovina had the first official contact with the EU immediately after its recognition as the sovereign and independent state on April 1992 by the Union. Nevertheless, some ...
  • Ahmet Yucekaya (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Balkan region can be considered as a transition location between Europe and Asia.The area is reach in terms of water and forest resources. The countries that includeAlbania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and ...
  • Ali Ihsan Ozdemir; Bekir Cinar; Urmat Ryskulov (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    It is clear that there are different studies conducted on the tourism sector of different countries. In contrast, it is quite difficult to find out similar studies thatconducted on Albanian tourism sector that is revealed ...
  • Gokhan Yolac (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    With the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, some significant changes in the the consumer behavior patterns may be observed in these Balkan countries. The consumer culturein these countries has changed as in the Western countries ...
  • Galiba Hjiyeva; Nakhchivan State University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Turkish history has such time that means minority has not been solved face much ofthe problems connected with arising and forming of the Turkish. Creator existing geographical names and these names of the kins in the ...
  • Gungor Turan; Erfina Kalej (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    In this paper, FDI is to be examined in general and specifically in Albania. In thefirst part the definition of FDI is given, its history, its positive effects or costs thatcause to the host country, effects to the economic ...
  • Timothy Hagen; Epoka University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    The Balkans have long struggled with issues of identity-based conflict andgrievances. What is the solution? This study assesses perspectives of students fromEpoka University on how to best resolve historical grievances in ...
  • Huseyin Turoglu; Istanbul University; Musa Uludag; Trakya University<br /> (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Catastrophic floods frequently occur in Edirne and its close vicinity. Various aspects of these floods are examined by many researchers. This study attempts to answer the question of which geographic factors cause flooding ...
  • Selma Akay Erturk; Istanbul University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    When analyzing the city with a geographical method, its relationship with thenatural and the geographical environment should be investigated and specified.Such geographical conditions as geographical position, site and ...
  • Hasan Ozdemir; Istanbul University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Geomorphometry is the science of topographic quantification; its operational focusis the extraction of land-surface parameters and objects from digital elevationmodels (DEMs). In this reason, DEMs are main data sources in ...
  • Arzu Karaslan; Batman University (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    From past to the present cities seem to be the centers of social, economic, politicaland religious elements where it is possible to observe them densely. These elementsshow themselves with the public improvements activities ...
  • Gungor Turan; Indrit Beqaraj (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    This paper gives an overview of the distribution of income among the factors ofproduction with a specific view on the case of Albania. It presents some literatureabout the distribution of income and explains in detail the ...
  • Çınar, Bekir (2013-07-15)
    The 2nd International Balkan Conference (IBAC 2012): ‘The Balkans at a Crossroads: Evaluating Past, Reading Present, Imagining Future’ on 11-14 October 2012 in Tirana; organized by Istanbul University in collaboration with ...
  • Suheyla Balci Akova; Istanbul University Department of Geography (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    It is well known that many countries fought for supremacy over the Balkans throughout the history, because of which at least some groups in the region were displaced. Turkey got heavily affected by these population movements. ...
  • Arbina Totoni; Arjan Qefalia (International Balkan Annual Conference, 2013-07-15)
    Industrial Parks are a widespread initiative of the last decades especially in those countries that are trying to attract FDIs 237, to promote rapid industrialization andto achieve a more balanced regional distribution of ...

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