Seismic Design Of Tunnels In Fault Zones

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Show simple item record Ervin Paci; Polytechnic University of Tirana Alma Afezolli; Polytechnic University of Tirana Arben Dervishaj; Polytechnic University of Tirana 2013-06-07 04:11:32 2013-07-15T11:42:54Z 2015-11-23T16:04:41Z 2013-07-15T11:42:54Z 2015-11-23T16:04:41Z 2013-07-15
dc.description.abstract The tunnels due to their restrictions as a infrastructure work often overpass very disturbed tectonic zones. In those zones due to overthrust geological processes the rockquality are extremely poor in one side, and changes abruptly on the other side. These changes impose differential deformation on soil and tunnel linings. Especially for near faults tunnelswhere the directivity pulse and fling step phenomena plays an important role in the characterization of the seismic motion. This article gives the theoretical explanation and design consideration concerning the above mention problems. A numerical simulation whichis indented to study the behavior of the tunnel during this type of seismic events is presented.This example is taken from the design of a tunnel that shall be constructed in Albania.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering
dc.rights Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms:<br /> <strong>a)</strong> Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this unpublished work under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>, which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation at this conference.<br /> <strong>b)</strong> Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work (e.g., publish a revised version in a journal, post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial presentation at this conference.<br /> <strong>c)</strong> In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.
dc.source International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering; 1st International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering
dc.title Seismic Design Of Tunnels In Fault Zones
dc.type Peer-reviewed Paper

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  • BCCCE 2011
    1st International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering

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