This study presents a police-less multi-party traffic violation detection
and reporting system, that does not rely on costly infrastructure or the
presence of law enforcement. It relies solely on broadcast messages among
vehicles and report delivery to the transportation authority.
Firstly, a vehicle is modeled as an automaton (in computational sense) that
has its own state and has a read access to the state of other automata of
other vehicles in a neighborhood of fixed size. The common traffic rules and
communication rules make the program of these automata that guide the
transitions of the vehicles in space and time. By observing the transitions
of the vehicles in their neighborhood, a vehicle can decide if these comply
with the traffic rules encoded in the system.
Whenever a transition is not performed according to the program, a
violation occurs. These violations are reported and witnessed to the
transportation authority by the vehicles in the neighborhood which act
as witnesses and reporters. The system is able find the location and real
identity of any vehicle whenever it commits a rule violation in traffic with
a lightweight protocol. Yet, the system preserves privacy and allows no
false positives.