The concept of human development through investment in education means
ensuring the proper conditions for every Albanian citizen to have equal
opportunities for same choices, so that successful or unsuccessful fate of someone
could not be pre-determined by the place of birth, language, gender and creed.
This material will explain also other notions such as: Human capital, Social
capital and Knowledge capital. Terminological definitions have determined the
breadth and depth of fast research, quality of pre-university education in Albania. All
achievements and failures, among others, are due to efficiency and effectiveness
of the educational system. At the theory and practical level of Albanian educational
system such notions are new, therefore we see fit to clarify meaning in a way that
educational related matters, as an important component of Human Development
Index, can be better understood on one side and on the other to be clear the crossconnection of this component with other ones of this index (expected average life
years of citizens and gross national income per capita and economic welfare).