The relevant meaning of moral has been constantly discussed topic in terms its sources and its universality. We have seen as the source of morality the Metaphysics in ancient times, Theology in the Middle Ages, and the information theory in new era. In modern times, we have different perspectives for the source of the formation of morality determined by good or bad reasons as a result depending on the individuals. Statements related to the source of moral and what forms the moral can be said in two words: one of them is human itself, and the other is the thought of existing love. On the other hand, it has been a subject for discussion if the moral is always valid, over the ages, objective and universal or something subjective that changes depending on individuals and also because of different societies. Therefore, who accepts moral as objective and universal, it is a propensity that comes from birth, but who thinks that moral is a subjective definition that changes lives depending on the society and during the period of time particular people live. In this study, we referred to the related debates about the issues and serious changes often technology and science which have brought to our lives but along with misuse of these facilities, such as the reality of violence against women, terrorism, human rights violations, But how about the meaning of moral, and its possible sources. If there is still a universal meaning of moral in this world that looks like now like a small village.