The economic interdependence and cooperation among the Western Balkan countries is a key strategic approach of improving their relations as well as an important requirement towards the EU accession. The long term view is to restructure relationships so that Western Balkan countries would have an incentive to see each other prospering, this because the well being of “the other” has a direct impact on the well being of “the self”.
The prospects of improving neighbor relations between the Western Balkan countries should be an incentive in order to provide a lasting stability and development in the region, as well as in order to be able to join the EU. According to Olli Rehn, a former European Commissioner for Enlargement, the development of regional cooperation is in the best interests of all the western Balkan countries: it is a key factor for establishing political stability, security and economic prosperity. It corresponds to a commitment made by the countries of the region at the EU–Western Balkans Summits of Zagreb (2000) and Thessaloniki (2003). Regional economic interdependence and cooperation among the Western Balkan countries is an integral element with regard to the EU accession requirement. The EU has made it clear in many occasions that improving relations between the western Balkan countries is in their best interest, not only for the reason that it encourages economic development, but also because it encourages stability and security among them.
This scientific research will try to illustrate some of the major implications with regard to economic interdependence and cooperation among the Western Balkan countries. The basic approach related to improving relations among the Western Balkan Countries has to do with building incentives to cooperate with each other. Regional interests are best met by mutual cooperation in a range of long established linkages and incentives to cooperate with each other. Understanding that development initiatives may have direct impact with respect to joining the EU as well as with respect to improving relations among the Western Balkan Countries, efforts should be made to ensure adequate support for this approach. Based on my field research as well as on my extensive reading on this subject I have come to realize that, regional cooperation is an important strategic approach of building positive relations. In this research paper therefore, I will analyze economic factors such as: regional cooperation, economic cooperation and other interdependent economic factors of vital strategic importance with respect to joining the EU as well as with respect to improving relations among the Western Balkan countries.