In a world where the economic crisis is affecting all life spheres, social welfare has become an important asset in the government’s policies. Social welfare is directly related with the guarantee of a minimal income for the families, meeting certain “social contingencies” (sickness, old age or unemployment) and social services available for all the citizens. This paper aims to analyze how the government in Albania is trying to reduce the social gaps on bases of these three elements.
Firstly this paper will present a clear legislative picture of the social aid programs in Albania. The legislation is organized on bases of the European Union standards. In general the Albanian social program covers the social assistance for disabled people, old people, poor families, women and orphans. However, it may be said that the current legislation (based on the program followed during 2009-2013) is quite sophisticated.
On the other hand, the reality seems to be quite disappointing. Every day in the news there are disabled people claiming for not taking their benefits, women being violated or even killed, orphan house with poor conditions etc. The reasons for this situation may be various such as the political system, political culture and weak roots of democracy. For the purpose of this paper, only the political system will be analyzed, considering it as having the largest impact and as being the main factor for the contradictions between the legislation and practice.
The paper will suggest possible solutions about the shortcomings of the legislative reforms and their implementations.