This thesis provides insights regarding the cognitive process of decision-making,
explaining its evolution through many generations and the importance of this process into
our lives. It also describes the effect of right and left brain hemispheres on decisionmaking
and focuses on the comparison of the performance of participants being them
whether rational or intuitive decision makers.
A deductive methodology is used mostly and as the primary quantitative data on this
research are the results of the analysis gathered from the survey conducted to the students
of Bachelor degree. And the secondary data are the internet based scientific resources and
other related materials including books, scientific journal articles, reports, academic
studies etc.
Therefore as we face with the decision-making process every day into different situations
and by these choices that we make we shape our lives, therefore the aim of this research
study is to make the people aware of the weight of this process and also to provide better
understanding about how the brain hemispheres of people affect their decisions, as it
depends on the type of individuals, being them either rational or intuitive decision
makers, and describing the effect that this approach has on their performance. The main
target is students’ whose performance is measured in this case by their CGPA.